2012. szeptember 10., hétfő

NVidia chip botrány még mindig?

Sajnos, ismét egy újabb ügyfelemnek magyarázhatom el, miért is fizetett az NVidia, több millió dolláros kártérítést a notebook gyártóknak (HP, DELL), amit ők viszont csak a per által érintett, egyesült államok területén érvényes bírósági döntés értelmében, plusz egy évvel tolták ki a garanciát.

A lényeg: Az összes MCP67x, és 2006-2008 között gyártott notebookokba szánt NVidia GPU 3-4 év után, magától tönkremegy. A halálozást egy jól irányzott, uTorrentezéssel, filmnézéssel, és főképpen kitakarítatlan hűtőkkel lehet előrehozni. Senki NE vásároljon DC06 07 08 as MCPt és GPUt a kínai alkatrész dílerektől. Garantáltan ismét tönkre fognak menni. Magyarázkodnom kell, mert az ügyfél jogosan a szervízt hibáztatja.

NVidia chip mizéria:

Bíróságig megy a dolog:

Egyébb érdekes cikk az NVidia chip-botrányról:

Pár, biztosan érintett gép, a teljesség igénye nélkül:

•    VGN-FZ11x, VGN-FZ18x, VGN-FZ21x, VGN-FZ31x, VGN-FZ38x
•    VGN-AR11x, VGN-AR21x, VGN-AR31x
•    VGN-C1Zx, VGN-C2Zx
•    VGC-LM1xx, VGC-LM2xx
•    VGC-LT1xx, VGC-LT2xx


Dell Precision M65,M2300,M4300
Latitude D620,D630,D630c,D820,D830
Vostro 1310,1400,1510,1710
XPS M1530, M1330
Apple MacBook Pro (15-inch) May 2007 – September 2008
Apple MacBook Pro (17-inch) May 2007 – September 2008
Dell Inspiron 1420 May 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell Inspiron 9400/E1705 March 2006 – February 28, 2010
Dell Latitude D620 December 2005 – November 30, 2008
Dell Latitude D630 February 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell Latitude D630c February 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell Latitude D820 November 2005 – March 31, 2008
Dell Latitude D830 March 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell Precision M2300 August 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell Precision M4300 March 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell Precision M6300 December 2007 – March 31, 2009
Dell Precision M65 November 2005 – January 31, 2008
Dell Vostro 1700 March 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell Vostro Notebook 1310 December 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell Vostro Notebook 1400 May 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell Vostro Notebook 1510 December 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell Vostro Notebook 1710 January 2008 – July 31, 2008
Dell XPS M1210 March 2006 – November 30, 2008
Dell XPS M1330 March 2007 – September 30, 2008
Dell XPS M1530 September 2007 – January 31, 2009
Dell XPS M1710 March 2006 – February 28, 2010
Dell XPS M1730 November 2007 – January 31, 2009
Dell XPS1710 March 2006 – April 30, 2009
HP Compaq Presario v30xx March 2006 – October 31, 2008
HP Compaq Presario v31xx March 2006 – October 31, 2008
HP Compaq Presario v32xx March 2006 – October 31, 2008
HP Compaq Presario v33xx March 2006 – October 31, 2008
HP Compaq Presario v34xx March 2006 – October 31, 2008
HP Compaq Presario v60xx May 2006 – October 31, 2008
HP Compaq Presario v61xx May 2006 – October 31, 2008
HP Compaq Presario v62xx May 2006 – October 31, 2008
HP Compaq Presario v63xx May 2006 – October 31, 2008
HP Compaq Presario v64xx May 2006 – October 31, 2008
HP Compaq Presario F500 October 2006 – September 30, 2008
HP Pavilion dv20xx March 2006 – December 31, 2008
HP Pavilion dv21xx March 2006 – December 31, 2008
HP Pavilion dv22xx March 2006 – December 31, 2008
HP Pavilion dv23xx March 2006 – December 31, 2008
HP Pavilion dv24xx March 2006 – December 31, 2008
HP Pavilion dv60xx May 2006 – April 30, 2009
HP Pavilion dv61xx May 2006 – April 30, 2009
HP Pavilion dv62xx May 2006 – April 30, 2009
HP Pavilion dv63xx May 2006 – April 30, 2009
HP Pavilion dv64xx May 2006 – April 30, 2009
HP Pavilion dv90xx May 2006 – November 30, 2008

Záró gondolat(ok):

Erről miért nem zeng a szakmai szak-sajtó vajon????? Mert elesnének nem kis reklám bevételtől. Újabb terület amit a pénz (és a profit) tesz tönkre.

Egy notebook, készenlétben (Standby S1-S3 mode) , miért melegszik mégis a GPU, és nem kapcsol be a hűtés? Az EC nem monitorozza, csak a CPU hütődiódáját, peddig a GPUban is van!!! Ki ki döntse el.
Egy csomó túlmelegedés oka: Otthagyott gép, Standby, majd túlhevülés...

Vajon miért tünteti el a gyártó, az erről szóló oldalait? Íme csak 1 példa:


http://support.ts.fujitsu.com/amilo_graphic.asp?lng=EN (az oldal most már nem él...)

Mandatory BIOS update
Some Fujitsu notebooks are experiencing long-term faults in their graphics displays. This is due to faulty graphics cards and chipsets. The problem can be remedied by replacing the graphics card or motherboard. During the warranty this repair is performed by us free-of-charge:

The following AMILO Notebook systems may be affected:

- AMILO Notebook Xi 1526
- AMILO Notebook Pi 1556
- AMILO Notebook Xa 1526
- AMILO Notebook Pa 1538
- AMILO Notebook Pa2548
- AMILO Notebook Xa 2528
- AMILO Notebook Xa 2529
- AMILO Notebook Xi 2428
- AMILO Notebook Xi 2528

The following errors may occur:
Development of stripes on the display / garbage on the display
Display does not work at all
System does not boot
For precautionary action you may update your Bios.

If your system doesn`t show one or more of these symptoms we strongly recommend to update your system with the latest BIOS version available for download on our support pages.

If your system is showing one or more of the mentioned failure pictures please contact your local service helpdesk.


Step 1: Identify your notebook series and product number and make sure that your notebook may be infected by the defective graphic cards / chipsets.

Check the back of your notebook where you can find the needed information:

Step 2: Identify your current BIOS version:
Press button to start system
As soon as the Fujitsu logo appears please press button "F2"
After entering the BIOS menu press right arrow button to get to Info menu. Here you can check current BIOS version.
To exit BIOS please press "F10" and Enter

Step 3: How to download and install the new BIOS
Before starting the BIOS update please ensure that the power supply is plugged
Then go to Fujitsu download page and select the correct product.
Select your operating system and choose Flash-BIOS
Select BIOS-Windows-Flash and click on button "Download"
After accepting the license conditions you can download by pressing the button "Download software"
Please save the program to an extra folder or desktop
Go to that folder or desktop and start the program by double click
Follow all prompts and restart your notebook when requested.
Don`t turn off your notebook until requested to do so.

Frequently asked questions

Q: I am experiencing one of the symptoms, but my product is not listed. Is there any possibility that my notebook PC has the same issue?
A: To date, the only products affected are listed in the beginning of this document. If you continue to experience symptoms with your notebook please contact your Fujitsu support center.

Q: If my notebook is functioning properly will I experience these symptoms in the future?
A: Your notebook may experience some of the symptoms listed at a future date. However, certain notebooks may not display these symptoms at all.

Q: Can I continue to use my notebook if I do not experience a failure?
A: Absolutely. If your notebook is not experiencing any of the symptoms you can continue using your notebook.

Q: What is the benefit gained from updating to this new system BIOS?
A: The BIOS updates the fan control algorithm of the system to reduce the likelihood of future system issues. This BIOS release is preventative in nature.

Q: What kind of issues will I experience if I do not update with this new system BIOS?
A: You may not experience any issues. But to avoid later problems Fujitsu recommends to do the update.

Q: What should I do if my notebook is already experiencing symptoms?
A: The problem can be remedied by replacing the graphics card. During the warranty this repair is performed by us free-of-charge and usually takes 3 to 4 weeks.

Q: How long will my repair take?
A: It goes without saying that our aim is to keep the repair times as short as possible. Delays may occur on account of the reduced availability of the components.

Q: Will I be getting a replacement device?
A: Generally we don`t offer replacement devices when repair is possible

Q: Why can`t I use a graphics chip from another manufacturer?
A: The graphics cards from other suppliers are incompatible with the computer. Graphics cards are always bound to the respective device on a 1:1 basis. This is why you have to use the same graphic card that was originally installed

Q: To what extent is the repair likely to be successful?
A: The new graphics card eliminates the problem described.

Q: Do you assume that future products from Fujitsu will also be affected by this error.
A: No, we do not. The fault lies with the graphics card which is no longer being integrated in the notebooks.

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